Monday, April 5, 2010

A Peaceful Thing!

Well, I've had a lousy Monday after Easter......mostly by my attitude of choice! I am sad to say, work is stressful for me right now. I am in a position that could be all I want it to me, but the problem is, I want to be home with the kids. I know, wah, many need a job and I have one but want the release from it.
So, here is my peaceful thing....My oldest 2...son @ 15 and daughter almost 13....basically don't want anything to do w/ one another. Well, Hope's pre-algebra homework was hard, very hard and we needed Luke's help (because he is just the smartest thing ~ it's annoying). I had been a bit irritatible so Hope made the best decision....she politely asked Luke to help....and hearing them work together peacefully.....was music to my ears!!!! Earlier in the afternoon Hope had a meltdown about how terrible her teacher was and she wasn't going to do the work. 4 hrs later and after a few breaks she is putting the final touches on her work AND she understands it!!!!
The neat thing is....this so reminded me of my teenage years with my older brother. I hated him when we were younger but in our teens we did so much together....I pray the same for Luke and Hope.
I think I will focus on Philippians 4:8, and think about whatever is lovely and pure, true and right.....anything praiseworthy, my mind will dwell on these things.
Thank you Luke and Hope!

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